30 July 2020
How to get into the film industry and get funded by writer, director and choreographer Margo Roe
Voice caught up with writer, director and choreographer Margo Roe about how to enter the film industry, what it's like being at Edinburgh Fringe festival and where to begin when creating your own choreography for film. Margo Roe is a writer, director and choreographer from the Midlands, UK.
30 July 2020
Approaching character from actor Akash Prasad: Artist workshops with Voice
Get an introduction to how to approach building character from actor, producer and writer Akash Prasad. Explore more free skills share workshops in the Artist Workshops with Voice series.
9 July 2020
Choreographing for film with Margo Roe: Artist Workshops with Voice
Writer/ Director/ Choreographer Margo Roe explores how to create choreography for the camera and how to bridge the gap between narrative and movement. Explore more free skills share workshops in the Artist Workshops with Voice series.
26 May 2020
Keeping Up with the Angevins - A Script
This is a short script I created a while ago for my gold arts award. I decided to create a parody of Keeping Up with the Kardashians by combining it with the Angevin empire (Richard the Lionheart, King John etc). Let me know your thoughts!
1 May 2020
How to adapt your leadership project from Emily McKie
Emily McKie, Gold Arts Award participant with The Mayflower Theatre, talks to us about having to rethinking her script writing leadership project in lockdown.
21 July 2016
The Odyssey
Written and Performed by Prime Youth Theatre
Directed by Aaron Parsons -
23 November 2015
Want my job…with Noah Altshuler
Noah Altshuler is an 18-year-old playwright who is currently working as playwright in residence at the Mark Twain House & Museum. His play The Sawyer Studies opens next Tuesday at Camden's Etcetera Theatre.