28 October 2015
The Great Train Songery at TakeOver Festival
The Great Train Songery, produced for TakeOver Festival in the National Railway Museum, is a different but brilliant was to bring some life to the artifacts of the museum.
28 October 2015
What has happened in music since Arts Award was born?
This December, we'll be celebrating Arts Award's 10th Birthday by asking you to vote for the best music from the last ten years! Here are some of our highlights to get you thinking…let us know what we've missed in the comments box.
14 September 2015
Joe Craig on creativity
Musician, screenwriter and author of the Jimmy Coates series talks about creative processes
3 September 2015
My issue with creative education
Issues with commitment and hard work may be more accurate...
26 August 2015
The Orchid and the Crow
Did you know that there's a Bristol in Australia? Me neither. Well, I do now, and so do you.
8 August 2015
I saw this show on a whim, and with that whim I was blown away. It's officially the best whim of my life.
5 August 2015
What goes on at...Trinity Rock & Pop
Trinity Rock & Pop offers musicians the chance to gain formal qualifications in rock and pop music, right up to Grade 8. We caught up with Christopher Walters, Head of Qualifications for music at Trinity to find out more.
5 August 2015
Case study: Gold achiever Sophie Rogers
Sophie Rogers is the first person in Scotland to complete a Gold Arts Award. She is also a trained Bronze and Silver adviser, music coordinator at Depot Arts and is about to release her debut album.
3 August 2015
JP Cooper on the Obelisk Stage
I finally got to see JP Cooper live and see if he was as practically perfect in person as his recorded music.
3 August 2015
Ed Sheeran, surprise gig at Latitude 2015
As many people know, Ed Sheeran is a hugely talented and hugely successful performer.
3 August 2015
alt-j at Latitude 2015
Great sound, great visual, great band...but how long can that hold your attention?
3 August 2015
Opera North at Latitude 2015
Last night Opera North performed I am yours, Yours am I: An Operatic Immersion.
3 August 2015
International Art Stories: Obi Rudo
How does it feel to move to the UK and try to make it as an artist? Voice Reporter Idriss Assoumanou caught up with rapper Obi Rudo, to discuss music, creativity and finding a place in the UK.
3 August 2015
Backstage with...beatboxer Lee Gibling
Festivals have widened out in recent years, and are open now to almost every kind of music and performance there is. We met Lee Gibling to discuss festivals backstage, running workshops and making it as a beatboxer...