27 September 2024
Youth Culture And the Machine
This blog explores the changing nature of Youth culture through the eyes of Gen Z
3 July 2023
Gen Z's tech activism paves the way for change
GenZ is challenging Big Tech and demanding accountability, reshaping the narrative that young people are neglectful to the harms of tech.
Authored by Avriel Epps-Darling & Kashyap Rajesh.
13 May 2022
Gen Z 'slang': A blatant appropriation of AAVE
A look into the origins of Gen Z 'slang' and the cultural implications it may have.
17 September 2021
Gen Z buys more vinyl than millennials, study shows
A recent survey has found that people who are in the Gen Z bracket of age tend to buy more physical music than the generation that preceded them.
19 July 2018
How Generation Z made genre irrelevant in music
Having access to such a variety of music at our fingertips has changed the way we listen to and create music, with genres being too constrictive for the digital age