2 August 2022
Interview with drag queen and cabaret performer Jinkx Monsoon
"I've wanted to be a performer since I could talk. It's just always been so clear to me that this is what I'm meant to do – so I've been finding any and every excuse to be on a stage since childhood."
2 August 2022
Interview with comedian Paul Williams
Paul Williams will be performing at Edinburgh Festival Fringe this August.
2 August 2022
Interview with comedian, writer, and actor Bilal Zafar
"I followed the advice of my friend and famous British Twitch Streamer Brian ‘Limmy’ and started to stream on twitch. It allowed me to find a whole new amazing audience and create the type of work I would never get close to doing anywhere else."
2 August 2022
Interview with actress Charlotte Price
"Growing up, my mum was always super creative with entertaining me in school holidays and encouraging hobbies… even if it led to me in tears at a trial ballet class because I didn’t want to ‘walk on my tippy-toes’!"
2 August 2022
Skank: Interview with writer and performer Clem
Growing up in France in the middle of bumblef*ck nowhere meant that I didn’t watch a theatre show until I moved to England and studied Drama GCSE, so I grew up on films that my mum brought back from her trips to the UK.
2 August 2022
Interview with Clare Bartholomew and Daniel Tobias, Salvador Dinosaur
"This show was created before the pandemic but it was postponed numerous times due to covid and lockdowns and as we had two years to think about it, we re-wrote it twice. It’s instilled in me that you always need to spend longer than you think creating a show."
1 August 2022
Interview with comedian and author Grace Campbell
"My family are Scottish and so I have a huge affinity with the country, and with Edinburgh. I love the way Edinburgh hosts the fringe, it’s like nothing else in the world."
1 August 2022
Interview with comedian Emo Majok
"I decided a long time ago that failure is not an option. I’ve sacrificed way too much to not be living my purpose. I love, live and breathe stand-up comedy. I honestly feel so lucky to be doing the thing I love."
1 August 2022
Interview with physical comedian Luke Rollason
"There’s a lack of diversity within alternative comedy, which I think is primarily down to its much smaller scale than more mainstream forms of comedy. If you scale down any industry, you get a microcosm of the same ratio, but it is far more blatant in a much smaller pool of talent."
1 August 2022
Interview with Jenna Fincken, Joint Executive Director of Wildcard Theatre Company
"It wasn’t till I was in my mid-twenties I seriously considered trying to write something. I’d always have ideas but no strategy on where to even begin. The real turning point of inspiration was watching Angry Alan by Penelope Skinner at Fringe 2018. It blew my mind."
1 August 2022
Interview with Rob Auton, writer and comedian
Rob Auton returns to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival with a brand new show all about crowds
1 August 2022
Interview with comedian Pierre Novellie
"Watching impotently as years of work and momentum were destroyed in front of me as I recovered from long covid made me a lot more zen, in the end. There are many ways to skin the cat of success."
1 August 2022
Interview with the creative collective Pintozor
Guide to Surviving Masculinist Territory is a performance in the form of a sound walk in urban space. The audience follows a woman in the street, while listening to the story of an "Incel", a member of this community of "involuntary celibates" who meet on the internet around their common hatred of women.
31 July 2022
Interview with Adrian and Martyn from The Tiger Lillies
"Our manager says we are the god fathers of dark cabaret. That probably makes Marlene Dietrich or Edith Piaf great great godmothers of dark cabaret!"
31 July 2022
Interview with Dan Wye, AKA Séayoncé
"Without sounding like someone who owns an Etsy shop selling jewellery made out of pasta, I find inspiration from most of the people in my life who are hilarious and gorgeous, but that is mandatory to be in my cult."
31 July 2022
Interview with clown Julia Masli
"I started doing comedy by mistake! I wanted to be a tragic actor in a big theatre. Make people cry. Comedy stages were more accessible to foreigners like me so I started doing tragedy there."
31 July 2022
Interview with comedian Lucy Frederick
"It's really expensive and stressful for performers taking a show to Edinburgh, but once you get there the atmosphere is unlike anywhere else. Your mates are all doing shows nearby and everyone is putting it all out there and trying their best."
31 July 2022
Interview with Myra DuBois
"Social media has levelled the playing field and given a platform to anyone with internet access. People are being held to account for their words and actions. ‘Cancel Culture’ is the sound of surprise on hearing a retort for the first time."