4 May 2018
How to interview an artist - four tips
So you have managed to secure an interview with your favourite practitioner, or well known artist. How do you make sure it all goes to plan?
21 December 2015
How to...make DIY Christmas gifts
Tis the week of Christmas, which is so often filled with last minute panic. Maybe you don't have the money, haven't had time for shopping or are just out of ideas…whatever the reason, instead of panicking and battling through the crowds to find something, why not try some cheap and easy DIY Christmas gift ideas? After all nothing says Christmas better than homemade presents with a personal touch!
23 November 2015
Top tip 8: Is that my reflection?
Tip: Make a plan, keep a diary, review on video, think. It's what Arts Award's about (as well as art). Enjoy watching Dom working out his strengths and weaknesses!
23 November 2015
Top tip 4: Remember the backstage boys (and girls)
Check out the guys behind the art – techies, curators, website designers, marketeers…interesting work. Kolby thought so too – read his Gold opinion piece.
23 November 2015
Top tip 1: Love your art
Choose an arts activity you really enjoy and you'll love doing your award too. Arts Award lets you decide what you do, so now's the time to get into some crazy art form no-one's heard of but you think is great. Maybe it's time to give yarn-bombing a go?
2 September 2015
How to...teach yourself photography
This month we're looking at creative education...but does this always have to come from the classroom? Why not teach yourself a key arts skill?
24 August 2015
How to...make a great film while travelling
So you're thinking about traveling and you want to take your camera with you. Why not make a film while you're there?