28 April 2023
It’s a Motherf**king Pleasure: to call the whole society out
There is no debate when it comes to the fact that ableist people are the worst. But how much better are those of us 'allies' who are terrified of doing something wrong that could get us 'cancelled'? This is a play about ableism AND able anxiety.
25 November 2022
Gigi in DC! part 3
Gigi talks about accessibility in DC and how it compares to the UK when it comes to drama training and as a country.
6 August 2022
My experience as a performer with a chronic illness
Gigi explores their experience working whilst battling an incurable illness called ulcerative colitis. A form of IBD, this illness flares up suddenly and can impact daily life but also can be stable and well controlled through medication.
1 March 2022
Sofia Jirau is a woman, stop desexualising disabled people!
Disabled people wear bras too!
23 July 2018
Online activism and accessibility
With passion for activist causes growing in a world focused on physical direct action, how can people with disabilities have their voices heard online and offline?