24 August 2015
Christian O'Connell: You've Ruined My Morning...And Other Fan Mail
You'd expect Christian O'Connell, celebrated breakfast radio DJ, to come out and express an infectious confidence and have a wide presence on stage. You wouldn't be disappointed.
24 August 2015
Morgan Berry: Watership Down
Rabbits, a Carwash and a Bafrican. No, that's not a typo.
24 August 2015
Chris Martin: This show has a soundtrack
No, it's not that Chris Martin. Although, oddly, he has the same middle name.
22 August 2015
What is Luxury?
I visited the Victoria and Albert museum with Derby Museums and Art Gallery.
21 August 2015
Festival of the Spoken Nerd: Just for Graphs
Graphs, fire, and ukulele's - the nerds are back!
19 August 2015
Oh Là Là! Starring Isabelle Georges
Enchanting, captivating, but marred by the speakers.
19 August 2015
Gay Furnish: Flirt Coach
Want to see what accidental vulgarity looks like? Watch this show!
19 August 2015
Kyle Kinane: Ghost Pizza Party
The best stand up comedian of my fringe experience
19 August 2015
One Day When We Were Young by Nick Payne
Two Lovers, World War Two, a Time Warp and hearts breaking everywhere. No, this isn't a Dr Who episode.
17 August 2015
Ed Gamble: Lawman
This young comedian takes it up another level as he dazzles us with his jokes.
17 August 2015
Pierre Novellie is Anxious Peter
English humours with a South African accent
16 August 2015
John Lloyd: Emperor of the Prawns
Philosophical exchange meets stand-up with this post-lunch time lecture.
16 August 2015
Michael J. Dolan: Miserable Guts
What's in a name? That which we call miserable, by any other name, would still be as miserable.
16 August 2015
Chris Cook: Truth or Dare
Comedy and Magic are two things that Chris Cook does quite well, which is good, because that is in a sentence, the crux of his show.
16 August 2015
Storyteller Storyteller
Wibble flibdy norp? Flooby dooby doopalala. Wiki plalaloo? Labananas.