Bochiknot Macrame '7 ways to End A Macrame Hanging Project' Review

In my review I explain why this video tutorial was helpful and why I enjoyed doing these knots!

Bochiknot Macrame '7 ways to End A Macrame Hanging Project' Review

The title of my activity was ‘7 Different Ways to End A Macrame Wall Hanging Project’.


The art form I tried is macrame.

The reason I took this workshop was to extend my knowledge of how to tie off from a macrame piece in more intricate and detailed ways, instead of just feathering the ends or just leaving them free.

Bochiknot Macrame taught this event and I learnt that they felt as if they needed to make this tutorial because feathering the ends of macrame work is seen and used very often.

 I did create some art work and I tried out all of the knots, these were quite small but involved beads. How I did it was, I firstly watched the video and followed her moves carefully, which involved looping figures of 8, completing gathering knots around objects like feathers and turning a simple loop into a barrel knot by simply looping the cord around the middle.

Here are some skills I have learnt during this event:

  • I have learned how to put objects of my choice into a macrame piece such as feathers and beads

  • I have learned how to create a tassel

  • I have learned how to join two pieces of cord together at the end of a macrame hanging piece

  • I can now incorporate beads into the start, middle or end of any of my projects

  • I can add tassels of different colours to make it more vibrant

I did enjoy this activity, however I did know one or two of the knots already so I had to wait to learn the new knots but, I enjoyed making a tassel with proper macrame knots for the first time! I also enjoyed following along with the video and how I could turn a piece of cord into an intricate knot, also finding out how they say these knots are useful was helpful too.

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  • Emily Round

    On 19 July 2021, 12:36 Emily Round commented:

    This tutorial sounds super interesting! I would love to learn how to do knots that interesting and intricate.

  • Alice Round

    On 19 July 2021, 12:48 Alice Round commented:

    This looks really fun! I'd like to try this one day!

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