Brighton Fringe Review: Truth Be Told

"Maybe what you don't know can hurt you"

Brighton Fringe Review: Truth Be Told

This blatantly funny, dark, personal story of friendship told by graduates of the University of Worcester left an audience howling, and yet somehow questioning the deeper meaning of life… at the same time. As we follow three twenty-something year old flatmates turned ‘best friends’, the audience is taken on a journey of this desirable and relatable trio who make a pact to stop lying which leads to crime, philosophical rethinking and catastrophe.

Hosted at the Sweet Werks: Werks Main, the audience are thrown into the action at the heart of these friends home- the living room- and a combination of perfectly crafted music, set and costumes help embrace the audience into feeling what these friends experience on a day to day life.

Well, this show was utterly hilarious! It features compilation of every type of humour- sarcasm, blatant physical comedy, quirky political comments and it made this show impossible for any audience member to deny its hilarity. I left the show ,somehow, believing that yoghurt pots were funny! These talented actresses embody their characters- each representing a different type of friend who I am sure you will be able to relate to. A simple pact to stop lying, in aid to make their relationship stronger, turns from the simple banning of white lies about see-through leggings to the unveiling of calamitous truths. Don’t be fooled by the safety blanket of jokes, be prepared for disaster to strike. This relatable friendship could offer a cruel commentary on our own relationships… well that is until everything goes wrong.

Each character is impeccably played by the university graduates- Elly Dawson, Neve Ricketts and Lauren Gardner. These women have a clear future as playwrights and performer as their portrayal of friendship is told effortlessly. Personally, I really enjoyed the character of Liv: someone who offered comedic relief through the form of extreme philosophical remarks and conspiracies.

This play leaves you understanding that not everything can have a fairytale finish- happy endings don’t always come. This thought-provoking, hilarious work of art is a must-see! Watch Truth Be Told from June 15 to June 19.

Header Image Credit: University of Worcester


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