Jurassic Park Franchise by AAC

A review of the Jurassic Park Franchise by AAC, an Arts Award Silver student 

Jurassic Park Franchise by AAC

I decided to re-watch these films over the Easter holiday, starting with the original series and then following up with the new ones to compare the quality of the acting and the CGI. 

Three words describe these films: Ferocious, vicious and intense. From fearsome dinosaurs to the lovable characters. The man plot is the dinosaurs escaping into the park and causing an uncontrollable disaster, all because of a traitor. This film is criminally underrated in the film industry as one of the best dinosaur films of its time, all the character are quirky, varying from the charismatic John Hammond and Ian Malcolm to the down and gritty Alan grant. The first film is a classic of 90s cinema, a real blockbuster that provides great character development as well as jump scares more associated with the horror genre. Although the sequels weren't as good, They still keep you on your toes along with the characters looking out for the dinosaurs. 

The more recent films in the franchise pick up a very similar structure although with less of the surprise element that you get from the characters when the idea of the dinosaurs is still so new for them. So the writers have to work harder to make a storyline that is more surprising. 

In terms of the acting, I think the original series has the best characters in Sam Neill and Laura Dern although the children can be quite annoying. I think it’s a good thing that they decided to not have kids in the new versions. Chris Pratt is a good actor in the new films and I like the storyline of him treating one of the dinosaurs more like a pet as you start to feel more sorry for them. This feels like it is more linked to the idea of animals becoming extinct and the climate crisis which makes it more relevant for the times we are in now. 

I highly recommend these movies to anyone who loves dinosaurs and want to see them in action. I’d give them9/10.

Header Image Credit: Decider.com

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