Jonny Ong's 'The Ballad of J and J' is eloquence in heartbreak

Jonny Ong has a full length album coming out this week, but first let's examine the lead single, 'The Ballad of J and J'...

Jonny Ong's 'The Ballad of J and J' is eloquence in heartbreak

'The Ballad of J and J' appears to act as a mission statement for Ong's upcoming full length release, laying out the circumstances of his heartbreak in the most plain of terms. Gone is metaphor and pomp, with only the bellowed 

"Are we over like the past? Are we over like yesterday?" 

left to illustrate the pure depth of Jonny's pain. It's eloquence in simplicity, and beauty found in pain as Jonny Ong tells his story in the most beautiful of song writing and arranging that we have seen so far.

As for the full length Isolation, coming at the end of the week,Ong proves that he can fuseclassic and contemporary in songs that are destined to make people feel less alone. “On my previous albums, I've focussed on the hand pan – this time, I wanted it to be all about the songs,” he says. “And to realise that if you have something negative in your life, try and do something positive to get over it. No matter what happens, there's always light at the end of the tunnel.” 

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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