
A review of the movie Thor Ragnarok

Ragnarok Review

Thor Ragnarok is a 2017 action comedy adventure movie starring Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston and Cate Blanchett. In the movie, the evil Hela returns to conquer Asgard and bring about the ancient prophecy of Ragnarok whilst Thor and Loki are stranded on a junk planet Sakaar.  In order to escape the clutches of the Grand Master of Sakaar (played by Jeff Goldblum) and prevent the destruction of Asgard, Thor is forced to fight in a grand arena, taking on his old friend, The Hulk.  

My thoughts on Ragnarok, it is possibly the funniest Marvel Movie of the year. It is my favourite Marvel film because of its humour and amazing CGI action. I felt as if I was really there. One more thing to say is the fight choreography is incredibly good.

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Ethan Slade

Ethan Slade

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  • Carol Leach

    On 4 October 2020, 15:30 Carol Leach commented:

    I agree, it is the funniest Marvel movie, great review.

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