New band on the horizon: aliensdontringdoorbells

A spaceship lands on earth, and somewhere in the distance, we hear the sound of a guitar… aliensdontringdoorbells have landed, and they’re gearing up for something special. 

New band on the horizon: aliensdontringdoorbells

A spaceship lands on earth, and somewhere in the distance, we hear the sound of a guitar… aliensdontringdoorbells have landed, and they’re gearing up for something special. 

A band that has roots all over the world is bound to have a wide range of influences. This band in particular melds the storytelling of Bruce Springsteen with the groove of Maroon 5 and rounds it all off with a dash of fun a-la OK-GO.

Gearing up for their first release, ‘Story’, this band takes all the best bits of retro 70s rock and puts a modern twist on it. 

Guaranteed you’ll want to keep an eye out for aliensdontringdoorbells… 

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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