Noises Off

Noises Off is a comedy show and here's my review.

The play I went to see was called Noises Off it was based in London. 

I liked it because it was funny from the beginning and got better as the show went on. The opening scene the actors are in a play within a play, with the director starting in the audience as the play progresses it gets more complicated with a bags, bottels and sardines it gets funnier as the relationships between the characters become more problematic later on we as the audience see the set from the back stage where everything starts to go wrong.

In the end of the play actors fall down the stairs and get tied up with telephone wire this is the funniest part as we know everything is a mistake. I would recommend this play as the whole audience could not stop laughing: I would give it 10/10.

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George Saunders

George Saunders

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