Direct Art Action - Harry Riddell

Local gallery in Sutton Coldfield

Direct Art Action - Harry Riddell

On the 7th November 2019, we travelled to Direct Art Action Gallery in Sutton Coldfield, Birmingham. We looked at all the artwork that was on display on the day, we analysed two different pieces of artwork. As a group we analysed them under various different sub topics that could help us explain what was happening in the art, if there was any hidden messages behind the artwork and how the artwork was made. We also had a talk with the Curator of the gallery who we asked questions about himself, his profession and how he got into the art industry and how we could get into the industry if we wanted to.

At the art gallery, I saw many different forms of art such as:

  • Paintings

  • 3D Sculptures

  • Drawings

  • Photographs

  • Digital Artworks

I have never been to anything like an art gallery in the past and it was a nice experience to see all of the various different types of art forms that I have listed above. The set out was nice and spacious, allowing me to fully observe each piece of artwork individually. The only thing that surprised me in the art gallery was the overall amount of artwork that was actually on display as there was more than I thought, and the overall variety of different designs of artwork that was on display at the time.

At the art gallery, I thought that there was some very good depictions of a location in Japan which I had previously travelled to called Akiba. These were paintings and drawings of various different sceneries within Akiba, Japan such as the shopping district, the shrines and the rural village areas, which I personally liked the most.

There wasn’t actually anything that I didn’t enjoy about the arts event, I actually enjoyed looking at all the different types of art work that was on display and I enjoyed looking at the drawings and paintings of specific places around the world that were being depicted within the artwork.

From this arts event, I have learnt about all of the different forms of artwork that are available and how artists use these different forms to represent what they want to portray such as a hidden message, an emotion or feeling or a representation of a location or place.

The thoughts and ideas that I have personally taken away from the arts event is that I prefer the paintings and drawings to any other form of art and that I would like to research into how art can represent various places in Japan through the use of drawing and paintings.

This is a user generated post from our Arts Award on Voice community and was not edited by the Voice team. We would love to hear your views too! Sign up for an account and make your Voice heard!


  • Sienna James

    On 22 November 2019, 10:17 Sienna James Voice Team commented:

    It's great to hear that you enjoyed the event. What art particularly struck you?

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