They don’t pay we won’t pay review

A well made and designed show. Unforgettable!

They don’t pay we won’t pay review

On the 10th of November 2018 I went to see “They don’t pay we won’t pay” at the New Vic Theatre with my family (my mum, dad and sister).

The New Vic theatre is a well laid out venue that I know well. As the new vic’s stage is in the round it helps to make the audience feel more involved and invested in the story line as well as making the story feel more realistic and interesting to watch.It creates a more playful and involved feeling for the audience which worked well for the script, movement, sound, set and layout for this particular play.

The actors had a good use of accents to portray their characters which helped to create the atmosphere and feeling of where the show was located and the characters personalities and families.   The roles were well shared out (as there were only 5 actors) and each actor portrayed each character they had with completely different traits making them easy to separate. The actors’ commitment to each role also helped to make each character more believable and relatable.

There was also a good use of minimal set and a good use of props to adapt the set to create different scenes within the same space. The variation between warm and cool tones of lighting gave the stage the feeling of a real hose with warm lighting for a living room and cool lighting for the kitchen, this also helped to create a clear divide between different areas and different scenes. The use of versatile costumes made the character changes work seamlessly and the use of small changes of costume for each character showed the separation between then without drawing too much attention.

To conclude, the show was enjoyable and well made with a clear story line and it was evident that each small detail was meticulously thought out.  The location, acting and smart use of set and props helped to make the show enjoyable and realistic.

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Philippa Hancock

Philippa Hancock Local Reviewer

A gold arts award student :)

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