The actors from Silent Uproar tell a compelling story about depression through a musical cabaret. Although it obviously explores taboo, upsetting topics including depression, self harm and suicide, A Super Happy Story (About Feeling Super Sad) by Jon Britton made me, and the rest of the audience laugh throughout. It is cheesy, witty and charming. This show is a reminder that it is okay not to be okay and that it is okay to reach out and ask for help.
The humour that is used throughout is relatable to everyone in some way and is often very cheesy. They frequently break the fourth wall, not only in their telling of the story, but in their jokes and humour. Despite making the audience laugh, it is important to note that they are in no way romanticising or making light of depression. They perform with such raw emotion and will shock you, just like depression can - often when you least expect it.
The music is super catchy and the lyrics are genius. Matthew Floydd Jones did a good job at using the music to do more than tell the story. He also used the music to create a cathartic moment for the audience. If there was not these moments of laughter and humour, the piece would have you crying until you could not stop.
The piece may not be suitable for people who are deeply affected by some of the topics that are discussed but what is nice is that the cast had a volunteer from the NHS attend the show and hang around afterwards, should anyone need to talk about anything.
I love what it stands for and how the cast have taken the time to really ensure they strike the right balance between the supper happy parts and the super sad parts. A Super Happy Show (About Feeling Super Sad) is one of the best shows I have seen at Brighton Fringe and one I would see again!