Picasso museum, Barcelona

My Experience of the Picasso Museum in Barcelona & My favourite piece in the collection: Portrait of Francoise Gilot

By Leila,  Devizes. 

The Picasso museum I went to in Barcelona was filled with pieces of art with many different media choices and perceptive pieces. My favourite piece was the line drawing of a lady as I felt it was a very different type of media and method of drawing to many of the other pieces. How elegant the outcome was considering the fact it only uses two colours and is very minimalistic in the amount of lines it uses, almost like he was trying to use as few lines as possible. Overall the museum was packed with creativity and I really recommend it to anyone in the area as it was a very fulfilling trip and really widened my creative mindset.


Geraldine Francis

Geraldine Francis

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  • Geraldine Francis

    On 5 March 2019, 21:00 Geraldine Francis commented:

    Leila, you really appreciated the economic use of line in this picture.

  • Bee Snellen

    On 6 March 2019, 11:53 Bee Snellen Voice Team commented:

    Hi Geraldine / Leila! Thanks for posting your review. Do you have a picture that you could use for the header?

    Picasso experimented with different styles; was there a particular style that you were drawn to? How will you use what you saw as inspiration for your own art?

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