Paloma Faith 2018 Tour

Paloma Faith is AMAZING live!

Paloma Faith 2018 Tour

This was my second time seeing Paloma Faith live and it was better than ever. She has so much passion when performing and she gives off very energetic and happy vibes. In between performing her songs she stops and talks to her audience. She is extremely engaging and everything she talks about mean a lot her. Her voice is so strong and unbelievably unique. Her new album 'The Architect' talks a lot about issues in the world today and how being different is good. She is a huge inspiration and seeing her live was fantastic.

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Rosie Murrell

Rosie Murrell

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  • Joshua Gould

    On 10 September 2018, 12:20 Joshua Gould Contributor commented:

    Paloma Faith's music has always had a different sort of atmosphere to it (compared to a lot of modern tracks) but I can never work out what it is - what do you think?

  • Rosie Murrell

    On 2 July 2019, 18:11 Rosie Murrell commented:

    Paloma Faith effectively captures her unique voice by using nasal tones and deep chest voice. The pop structure of the song is influenced slightly by jazz switching it up a bit and making it sound more interesting to the listener.

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