IKNA - Bleeding Edge Theatre Company


IKNA - Bleeding Edge Theatre Company

INKA was a new piece of devised theatre by Bleeding Edge Theatre Company by 3rd year BA Drama students. The story told about a family who had created a new interactive electronic devise that will help families across the world in day to day life. (similar to the alexia device) The piece was mainly a physical theatre based show which incorporated 8 performers. The piece also incorporated a live feed video which the actress playing alexia was seen at all times at the back of the stage and her face projected onto a screen. The set design was simple but effective as the lighting consisted of hanging light bulbs suspended from fly bars. The music was created and composed by the company too. Overall INKA was a powerful piece of theatre, which reminded us how much we rely on technology in our everyday lives, and that it can't always be trusted. 

Header Image Credit: Bleeding Edge Theatre Company

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Harriet Mayne

Harriet Mayne

Drama graduate, looking for work experience within the theatre industry in community theatre and live events. Gold Arts Award Student.

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  • Luke Taylor

    On 8 June 2018, 09:52 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    It sounds awesome! Is there a link to webpage that I can have a look at?

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