The Nutcracker and The Rooster - Fallibroome Academy

This is a dance review of two dances: The Nutcracker and The Rooster, both which were performed at Fallibroome academy. The plot synopsis is a separate piece and if needed can be found under the name "A double Bill: The Nutcracker and The Rooster synopsis."

The Nutcracker and The Rooster - Fallibroome Academy

Firstly, I thought that the range and brightness of the costumes was really good in both performances. I thought the orphans and the gobstoppers from the nutcracker were really well portrayed. As well as this, I thought the outfits in the rooster were really smart and elegant.

Another thing is that I thought was good is the styles and the displays of the dances. I liked the way you had some dances in groups or you had just two people on their own dancing together, and I like the variation. Furthermore, I thought the rooster was excellent in the way the dance showed gymnastics and complex moves merged with ballet. However, I thought that the nutcracker portrayed drama and dance exceptionally.

In my opinion, I personally preferred the rooster to the nutcracker only because I am not really into ballet and felt like it could of needed a bit more excitement in the piece as it was supposed to be about how the nutcracker brings Clara into a world of color and happiness, so when it wasn't as upbeat as I expected it to be I was a tiny bit disappointed. However I thought the range of costumes and themes in the nutcracker was really great.

I did enjoy the performance but felt it could have needed more excitement which Fallibroome academy is known for. It has influenced me in a way that I think I would like to do more in future dance shows or plays and I thought that the skill and commitment to the performance of the characters was amazing.

I chose this performance (the nutcracker and the rooster) because it looked visually good and I also know that the practice and time put into this one show was a lot so I wanted to see the finished piece!

I particularly like The Nutcracker's costumes as I thought they had been carefully thought out and planned. The Nutcracker had a blue and red uniform, which was different to the other toy soldiers, and Clara wore a flowing, white dress, which symbolized her honesty and youth. As well as this, I thought the other characters like the cupids and the gobstopper boys!

My favorite section was the beginning of The Rooster! This was because of the dance move that one of the characters started with!

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gypsey  connolly

gypsey connolly

arts award bronze review.


  • Luke Taylor

    On 28 February 2017, 10:44 Luke Taylor Contributor commented:

    What an epic review! Dancing is such a wonder to watch.

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