William - "Where Are Ú Now" by Jack Ú ft. Justin Bieber

My review of the music video "Where Are Ú Now"

William - "Where Are Ú Now" by Jack Ú ft. Justin Bieber

I am writing about the video to "Where Are Ú Now" by Justin Bieber.

Justin is in a room with pictures. He is singing "Where are you now" and it is calm music. Then he is being painted black with sketches on him.


Then lots of people are sketching on his picture in the gallery. All the people are making art sketch for the video on him.

screen-shot-2017-02-24-at-08-54-30He is singing then there is painting on his clothes in lots of colours like blue, red, black and purple. Then there are lots of flashing of paintings and paint splashes on his face.


I like the video because it is fun. I like the video because all of the people make the video with art. I like the sketches go in time with the beat. I think the video is really good and I like Justin Bieber's voice. This is one of the best videos.

Here it is:

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  • Kerry Nixon

    On 24 February 2017, 10:34 Kerry Nixon commented:

    Great review, William. I love that you have chosen such an unusual music video!

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