I am choosing to review "Hello" by Adele.
I like the way set of the video and the sound effects at the start and the atmosphere because it's black and white. It's set in an old abandoned house. This creates the atmosphere that she is by herself and sad. It has flashbacks to her time with an ex boyfriend and happy moments. Here she is saying to him because she hurt him before. The lyrics say "I'm sorry for breaking your heart. The next part is set in a forest and abandoned telephone box. This creates the atmosphere of loneliness. It then shows them arguing. It's a good video because you feel you're there with with them and you can feel the emotion. I think adele's performance is really good because she really conveys her sadness and you believe her. It really touches you because it feels real.
I am going to share my review on the Real Time Arts Facebook and get feedback through comments.
Great review Millie! Millie had a chat about her review with staff and got good feedback. (Kerry Nixon, Arts Award advisor)