James Bennison: How to be a Supervillain

A work in progress with solid bones to satisfy every geek's urge to take over the world.

James Bennison: How to be a Supervillain

Supervillain is a spin off from Bennison's award-winning show from last year, How to be a Superhero. With it, Bennison attempts to flip the virtues of goodness in order to explore the seedy underbelly of his evil overlord's character.

In his quite excellent supervillain outfit, complete with maniacal beard, he invited us to be part of his cult of world domination and walked us through what it takes to rule the world. Aided by a laughable PowerPoint presentation and an incredibly co-operative audience he had us in stitches – both at his and our own expense.

There were some jokes inevitably falling short, as could be expected with a work in progress. However, the sustained character, which brought cynicism and an acrimonious old man approach to the storytelling, gave humour to the moments when he had to consult his notes.

He took his character on completely, attacking cats, babies and all the rest of our favourite things in the world. The routine allows for some great geeky revelry, and who better to take us through that process than Bennison. Excited to see where the supervillain takes him next.

His villainous image crumbles away when you read the interview we did with him back in March.

* * * * *

James Bennison's How to be a Supervillain (18+) is on every weekend until June because he has a 'real job'. For full details (about the show, not his job, go here. For details about his job, go back to the interview.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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