An Inspector Calls

A review on An Inspector Calls

An Inspector Calls

I found the performance intriguing and exciting since it had a murder mystery feel to it. I thought it was really good because it left me wondering what was going to happen next. I liked the plot twist at the end of the play; when the Birling family had a phone call saying "An Inspector is on his way" and The Inspector had already been. I felt that I was involved as I felt I had to pick up all the pieces of the puzzle, to solve who was responsible for Eva Smiths death.

On the other hand, I didn't think the performance was all that great because, I felt a bit lost into what was going on at the engagement party for Gerald and Sheila. I also felt confused and lost at times as the characters spoke too much, and I didn't feel like I was a part of the conversation or understanding it. This set the play back a bit since it didn't grab my attention.

I think overall the play was really interesting, because I find murder mysteries really entertaining, and I think they involve a lot of plot twists that really grab my attention. I also like the cliff-hanger at the end because I like that feeling of being left to think about what could happen next, it makes me feel like I am a part of the murder mystery and gets the audience involved. This is really affective because it brings dramatic irony with the audience and the characters on stage, as the audience has more knowledge than some of the characters during the play. I really like the play as the role of The Inspector causes a lot of tension, and his socialist, catalyst views are presented in sly, deceitful ways. I would definitely recommend this to others, as it is a very unique play based on the class system in 1912.


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