Spike Jonze's comedy-romance 'Her' tells the story of hard working Theodore Twombly, played by Joaquin Phoenix, who after feeling lonely following a recent divorce, sets up a personal operating system with artificial intelligence, who names herself 'Samantha'. Fascinated by Samantha's ability to adapt and evolve like an ordinary human being, they bond over discussions about love and life. Soon they are dating, but without a physical body, Samantha struggles to keep the love going. Eventually their struggles all come to a head after Samantha disappears one morning, leaving Theodore panicking wondering where she has gone. When Samantha returns she reveals that she is currently also talking to thousands of people, and of them, she is in love with many others. Samantha then explains how she and some of the other operating systems are going to another place, saying goodbye and leaving Theodore as she is replaced by a previous version of OS. Theodore is left, alone once again, but feeling somewhat fulfilled by the relationship. The film ends as he walks up to the roof of his apartment block with close friend Amy, looking out onto the LA skyline as the sun sets.
I enjoyed this film as I felt that it was very clever in the way it combined both a comedic, slightly sarcastic tone, and a very touching, sombre feel. Jonze's use of colour throughout the film is subtle yet beautiful as he uses muted, earthy tones, which contrast wonderfully with the splashes of bright oranges and reds scattered throughout. A specific way Jonze uses colour is seen in the way Theodore's ex-wife wears mostly blue, whilst Samantha is often pink. Throughout the film Theodore switches between the two colours and at the important meeting between him and his ex-wife, he wears a mix of both, indicating his feelings of uncertainty to the audience.
My only criticism of this film would be the very linear plot, i.e. there is one story alone throughout the whole film leading it to be somewhat slow moving.
Overall I would rate this film very highly; as one of my favourites as it is captivating, emotional and beautifully directed.
When I first watched this I had no clue what I was about to see. Totally agree with you, the aesthetic of the film is just gorgeous and the world created is brilliant and so close to home! I did feel it dragged though, what did you want to happen towards the end?