
Bicycle is a documentary about the Bicycle's in Britain by Michael Clifford and Pip Piper.

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This was a documentary that I really enjoyed watching because it was mostly positive throughout and had a good use of storytelling which were all fascinating and true stories.The stories told were really inspiring and magical and made me want to ride my bike after.

The documentary was really fun and exciting,what made it unique was the combination of filming and animation with a voice over gave it a special touch.

Through the story it was showing the history of Bicycle's and 'how history has changed this,change is for the better'.It showed the story of beginning to the end using old footage as well as new it shows anyone can cycle.

It was good to see the director at the beginning of the documentary and what makes cycling special to him,through the documentary we heard personal stories which were true and very emotional.

The use of camera shots made it interesting along with the relaxing music and atmosphere which set the mood of the film.

A thing I have learnt about documentaries are that they are not always boring they can be fun too.


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