The frog prince was performed by a traveling theatre company (Theatre Space NE CIC) In December 2024 they visited various locations throughout December one of which I attended.
There was a four person cast who performed as the Frog, Grandma, Princess and the King
As the music blared and the lights flashed the cast burst on to the stage creating an atmosphere of excitement
The story begins with the princess and the grandma teaching her that she needs to be responsible and to do that she gives her a golden ball to look after she looks after it for a few days but one day when she was walking in the woods and a giant frog jumped out and scared her and she dropped her ball in a sewer pipe the frog apologised and offered to retrieve the ball if he could eat at the castle the princess agreed and lowered the frog in the pipe and he threw the ball back up the pipe but the princess didn't help the frog back up and left him later in the castle the frog showed up at the door demanding to be fed the princess apologised and let him in but little did they know the chef was making frog leg soup and the princess had to hide the frog then they escaped the chef but out of nowhere a giant toad kidnaps the grandma and turns the princess into a frog the princess the frog and now the king go searching for grandma and the toad after searching for ages they found them in the sewer where the toad had took grandma the princess offered the golden ball and the giant toad took it but didn't give back grandma so they had to fight the toad and after the princess and the frog beat the toad the both were given a wish and they both wished to be human again and then that's where the story ended
The costumes were very colourful and the frog puppets were very well designed. the costumes for the king and the queen looked older and worn where the princess and the prince looked new and shiny. the giant toad was really good it was a giant toad that could wrap its arms around the entire set and was very spooky
The set design was very unique being able to change when the lights changed changing from a castle to a kitchen to a forest and a sewer just by changing the lighting.
Each of the sets were really good looking and well made but the castle was the best looking by far all the colours and shapes of the castle really made it stand out compared to the others.
The cast did a really good job at setting the story and did a really good job at playing their characters especially the actor who played the king who played two other characters as well being a chef and the giant toad.
I think the whole performance was really good and I enjoyed every second of it.
I'll look out for that if it comes near us, it sounds fun. I am glad you enjoyed it.