‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ at Almedia Theatre

Frecknall’s signature atmospheric touch reinterprets William’s intense family drama.

‘Cat on a Hot Tin Roof’ at Almedia Theatre

Backlit against the blue exposed brick wall, a pianist whistles an eerie tune before striking dissonant chords, a motif that recurs throughout the production. The first act opens with the relentless Maggie monologuing at her unemployed husband, who relies on alcohol as his crutch (pun intended). The roles of cat and mouse are constantly shifting as seen with the introduction of Big Daddy, who attempts to reclaim control of his terminally ill life as the rest of the family hovers like vultures over the prospect of a large inheritance.

Williams’ writing unsurprisingly delves deep into the psychology of each character, a complexity this cast skilfully brings to life. Each performer seizes their moment to shine as secrets and lies bubble to the surface. The system of mendacity in which they exist becomes the fertile ground for a family unable to have a true conversation with each other.

Frecknall excels in drawing out the nuance of the text, building dynamic tension as the story unfolds. However, the persistent interruptions by the jarring piano detract from the production’s intimacy, introducing a level of artifice that doesn’t fully integrate with the drama.

Lamford’s design, a tiled metal box, works beautifully in tandem with Curran’s lighting. The subtle changes in lighting, reflected by the metallic surfaces, seamlessly alter the room’s temperature and mood.

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof remains timeless in its exploration of the human condition and this sensual production highlights its psychological intricacy and symbolic flair.

Show title: Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

Venue: Almedia Theatre

Review date: 18/12/2024

Header Image Credit: Marc Brenner

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Monica Cox

Monica Cox Voice Reviewer

Monica is a theatre and film director, writer and dramaturg with a particular interest in queer and female stories. She has a degree in Spanish and Russian and a Masters in Theatremaking.

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