Pop-Up Puppet Cinema Presents Back to the Future and Jaws!

Enjoyed a One Night Only Show at the Flaxmill in Shrewsbury.

The Pop-Up Puppet Cinema was amazing fun, myself and my Dad really enjoyed our evening. 

Back to the Future was the first show we watched followed by an interval with ice cream and then Jaws.  The show has been touring for 10 years and was performed by three gentleman called John, Steve and Paul.  It all started when John was challenged to do a puppet show for a friend’s wedding.   John chose Raiders of the Lost Ark to perform which was such a success with everyone that it created a spark!

The puppets are all hand made using cardboard, felt, buttons for eyes and anything else the team can find in their local charity shops (including glasses for cats!) they usually take about two days to make, except for ‘Bruce’ the Shark; which is a thing of beauty.  

From Back to the Future, abstracts were taken from the movie with it’s own unique quirkiness including lots of gags that many fans could relate too.  My favourite part of this show was when the car flew off around the audience which made everyone cheer and clap.

After the interval, next came Jaws. Performed by torch light, they created an atmosphere the audience could get involved in.  The bad jokes, the crowd participation and a puppet losing an eye was hilarious.  

We highly recommend this show for a fun night out when it returns to Shrewsbury.  For more information take a look on Facebook ‘The Pop-Up Puppet Cinema’.


William .

William . Local Reviewer

I'm a college student who enjoys all kinds of films, going to the theatre, reading DnD books and building Lego sets.

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