Touretteshero: 'Burnt Out in Biscuit Land' at the Southbank Centre

Touretteshero uses moments of joy as acts of resistance, crafting an absurdist world to spark dialogue about the neurodiverse experience during the pandemic.

Touretteshero: 'Burnt Out in Biscuit Land' at the Southbank Centre

The charming Jess welcomes the audience, encouraging them to find a comfortable spot while playing a lighthearted game of "this or that". The world of Biscuit Land, built around Jess and her tics, evolves overtime just as she does and the Biscuitland which the audience has entered includes a peculiar shrine to Keith Chegwin, framed by tin cans of food.

At the heart of the show is a film with an absurdist tone, following a day in the life of Jess, Chopin, and Charmaine in a surreal, apocalyptic bunker. The narrative shifts between moments of joy and reflections on darker realities. Disabled people, often oracles in uncertain times, illuminate what it's like to live in a world that continuously fails to support them. The pandemic, as a stress test on systems, exposes how disabled individuals are often overlooked, with devastating consequences.

After the film, Jess invites the audience to share their reflections, ask questions, and offers thought-provoking prompts to help process the experience. While there are no definitive answers, the piece leaves much to ponder. This captivating, deeply moving, and unforgettable work leaves you eager to explore more.

Header Image Credit: Ro Murphy

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Monica Cox

Monica Cox Voice Reviewer

Monica is a theatre and film director, writer and dramaturg with a particular interest in queer and female stories. She has a degree in Spanish and Russian and a Masters in Theatremaking.

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