"The Golden Frog Games" continues the magical adventures of Seven Salazar, a Spare turned town Uncle, and her friends Valley and Thorn. As Seven struggles with her unique ability to communicate with monstruos rather than animals, the Twelve Towns prepare for the Golden Frog Games. Thorn enters the fashion design competition, but the event takes a dark turn when competitors start turning to stone. With suspicion falling on the Witchlings, Seven must overcome her magical challenges to uncover the true culprit before Thorn becomes the next victim. This enchanting middle-grade novel offers a perfect blend of magic, friendship, and mystery for young readers.
Ortega's second instalment in the Witchlings series delivers another captivating tale that is ideally suited for its middle-grade target audience. The author expertly combines themes of self-discovery and acceptance into a fast-paced narrative that will keep young readers engaged. The vivid world-building and diverse cast of characters continue to shine, offering a fresh take on the magical school genre. Seven's struggle with her unconventional powers adds depth to her character, allowing readers to connect with her journey of self-acceptance in a way that is both relatable and age-appropriate.
While the mystery element provides excitement, the heart of the story lies in the bonds between the main characters. Ortega skillfully balances the magical competition plot with the emotional growth of Seven, Valley, and Thorn. The book touches on important topics such as prejudice and the pressure to conform, making it not only an entertaining read but also a thought-provoking one. The accessible language and relatable themes make "The Golden Frog Games" a perfect choice for young readers, offering just the right mix of adventure, friendship, and personal growth. This sequel expands the Witchlings universe and leaves its audience eagerly anticipating the next instalment.
With its blend of magical intrigue and heartfelt character development, "The Golden Frog Games" cements Ortega's Witchlings series as a must-read for fantasy lovers of all ages.