The first thing we did was watch a video of a random bloke based in the USA explaining how to be a conductor. In case you guys don't know, a conductor is someone who controls the orchestra by using several hand movements which indicate the dynamics and the speed of the music. We listened carefully, and observed his hand movements while copying them.
To help us remember the steps of conducting, we drew some weird looking J symbols. These symbols tell you how to move your finger, but professional conductors use a stick.
Afterwards, we had a go at conducting (in the photo I am the one standing). Some of us got an instrument each, while one person got to stand up and practise conducting. The higher the finger is raised in the air the louder we had to play our instruments and the lower down the finger goes the quieter we had to play our instruments. Depending on the speed of our fingers was how fast or slow we had to play our instruments.
We all really enjoyed exploring what it's like being a conductor, especially Gus, one of my really good friends. We all came up with a catchphrase which goes, "Apologies, conductor!".
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my review. I hope this inspires you to conduct, or even something similar conducting.
Good stuff!