Genre-bending producer and Graffiti LdashD teases his new upcoming EP 'Don't Give Up'

Self-taught inventive producer and anonymous Graffiti artist LdashD awaits the final part of a trilogy in the form of a new EP 'Don't Give Up'. The anthemic title track breaks all dance music boundaries and opens the door to the world of LdashD. 

Genre-bending producer and Graffiti LdashD teases his new upcoming EP 'Don't Give Up'

With LdashD's new project, 'Don't Give Up,' the progressive genre-bending dance music DJ exhibits what the human brain is capable of. His limitless creativity and translation of emotion into original hypnotic beat is one of a kind. 

In the time when the whole world longed for freedom and dancing, LdashD put one and one together and got to work in his studio. Unfolding this urge into musical expression, he presents 'Don't Give Up' written and produced during the pandemic. 

LdashD speaks about his thought process: "I hope my own music sits comfortably in that life-enhancing, man-made mix of an ever-expanding musical universe in much the same way say, an artist, Picasso perhaps, does to his heritage, time will tell." 

The EP includes boundary-breaking songs like 'Party People' with dominant guitars and bass synths. 'Asian Raver' starts off with a hypnotic beat and evolves into a progressive dance pulse that makes up for a perfect rave-sunrise track. 

'Don't Give Up' will be out in full length on February 18th. It is the final part of a trilogy of previous uplifting EPs like 'BestLife' and 'We Still Dance.' It is no longer taking a chance on his raw talent. LdashD knows what he's doing, and his experimentation with sound will soundtrack raves all around the country.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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