Ones To Watch 2022: Roxx Revolt & The Velvets

What do you get when you mix glam rock from the 80s with a punk attitude and outspoken LGBTQ+ values?

Ones To Watch 2022: Roxx Revolt & The Velvets

What do you get when you mix glam rock from the 80s with a punk attitude and outspoken LGBTQ+ values? Roxx Revolt & The Velvets have that answer.

‘Supersonica Girl’ exploded onto the scene with its loud and proud message, and its retro video was nothing short of a sensation. Now, with the lyric video, the band prove themselves once again, with a fun-loving scene shot in the back of a car.

Harkening back to That 70s Show, and Wayne’s World, the lyric video for ‘Supersonica Girl’ is just more proof that this band are here to stay. Long live Roxx Revolt!

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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