What goes on at... Herts and Essex High School?

We're chatting to all the Arts Award Centres luckily enough to be part of the 2017-2018 cohort of Good Practice Centres. Here, we hear from the Herts and Essex High School.

What goes on at... Herts and Essex High School?

Could you first introduce yourselves for the reader

My name is Caitlin Hayward and I am the Arts Award Advisor at The Herts & Essex High School.

Which Arts Award levels do you offer?

We offer Explore all the way up to Gold!

What about the Arts Award appeals to your students?

The independent nature of the Award and how it can stimulate their creativity. They also like the challenge of trying new art forms.

What Arts Award creative projects have your current and previous students done in groups?

Our Silver students have set up various clubs at school such as Origami club and Musical Theatre club. We also work closely with the Carnegie Book Award scheme for our Bronze students too.

What kind of things have you got in mind or organised for your future Arts Award students?

We're keen on getting involved in coding and gaming!

What are the greatest challenges for your students undertaking their Arts Awards?

Sometimes students find it hard that there is a limit; one girl taking Explore wanted to organise a large fashion show! It just wasn't quite possible, so I've told her to wait until her Silver!

What is the greatest benefit in both yourself delivering the Arts Award and for your students in undertaking it?

Seeing the students enjoy being creative and exploring new art forms has been a real joy.

How do you think what your students have accomplished in their awards will help them moving forward?

The independent nature of the Arts Award helps keep up an enquiring mind.

What would you say to schools considering delivering the Arts Award?

To do it! It is easy to set up and train and the students get so many life skills from it.

  • Image, Herts and Essex High School courtesy of Hawkins Brown


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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