Could you first introduce yourself to the reader?
Hello! I'm Drennon Davis, but call me something that vaguely sounds like it. I'm from Los Angeles. I don't own pets but I like them. Serious relationships ONLY. No hook-ups. Unless I'm horny.
How would you describe your show?
Please, address me as, Just Drennon at the Tonic. My show is MUSIC! My show is AMERICA! My show is GOD. If you believe in the concept of God as a creator, created by the us, the creators, whom God created, whom we created, etc., THEN YOU MIGHT ENJOY THIS SHOW!!! SPOILER:: Just like in real life, God is not in my show. How about a show analogy?! This show is like if a satirical, demented science-fiction musical had sex with your hot uncle. That's right, I said it - SEX. If you go to this show, you'll think about rough sex. If you don't go to this show, you'll also think about rough sex. You're thinking about rough sex RIGHT NOW. Now that we're on the same page, quick shout out to my partner DJ YEAH!! YEAH!! is the last dinosaur DJ in the world and doesn't understand technology but spins FIRE. OUCHIE!
Why do you want to perform at Edinburgh Festival Fringe?
Someone asked me to go when I was drunk and I said yes. In Los Angeles, being a yes-man just means you drink a lot.
What differentiates it from other festivals?
It's impossible to try and explain the fringe to someone because everyone has very different experiences. I have described it like Burning Man for weird theater nerds, but I've also called it the largest Harry Potter fuck fest in the world. Everyone has a different reality.
Do you think the Fringe has changed over the years? If so, how? Are these changes positive or negative?
I think the festival is slowly evolving. When I first came to the fest in 2012, not too many were using social media yet. There was still a lot of reliance on publications and posters. Hooray paper! On second thought, it seems the same, except we have smartphones now.
What first motivated you to enter the industry? Who were your inspirations?
I've always been into the industry. Huge industry buff. Sure, I didn't know what part of the industry I wanted to be in when I was a baby, but I knew that I wanted that sweet, sweet industry money. As for my inspirations, I'd say Jerry Sinbad, Robin Redford, Keith Richardson and the rest of the Beatles. Shout out to my grandma. She liked Allie McBeal before any y'all.
If you didn't have your current job, what would you probably be doing?
I remember Debbie Harry had been asked this on an old interview and she answered with "Porn star." Since I can't copy her answer, I'll go with RULER OF THE WORLD.
If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
I heard that there were cat agents for internet cats. That's probably the next industry that I get really into. If you ever need a cat to interview, let me know.
What is your earliest childhood art memory?
Everything is art when you're a child! I could fart in a bucket and it would be more entertaining and creative for a child than Picasso's entire collection. He'll think about that fart all day. Why is that not art? I suppose it is, but most art critics would give it an "F". But when you think about it, fart is mostly art and art is part of farts. Something to think about.
Do you ever feel any pressure to be a social commentator, or constantly update material to respond to events?
Not much anymore. I used to play the social media game a lot but my quality of life went way down. It's just a simple fact that we're not supposed to be looking at screens all damn day. I found that I tended to post more on social media if I was bored or depressed. When you get attention online, you think it's enough to sustain you as an active member of the human race but after years of doing it, I've found it to be false and detrimental. Now I only talk about myself in questionnaires.
Equally, do you think there has been a shift in public sentiment that has affected your work?
Yes! People are starting to see a different side to my country. The UK is going through a similar situation. The rest of the world is starting to see how corrupt and inhumane extreme capitalism is. It's a harsh reminder that monsters still hold up in castles, and there are more castles than ever before. When Russia decided that America should have a racist orangatang president, we dropped a few points on our coolness meter. It's a lot like how Brexit made the English accent sound a little less smart. What I'm saying is, yes the show is doing well, but only because our countries aren't.
Describe the last year in 5 words or less?
Doesn't seem that bad now.
If you could work with anybody, from any point in history, who would you pick and why?
The Marx Brothers. Timeless, brilliant and incredibly talented.
What advice would you give to someone who wants to take a show up to the fringe?
Make an amazing show. Get a good producer. And just have fun and be yourself. Unless you're supposed to be in character. Then don't be unless you should.
When and where can people see your show?
Imaginary Radio - American Propaganda At Just the Tonic - Mash House - Cask Room at 5pm-6pm
And where can people find, follow and like you online?
@drennondavis on all social media platforms. New comedy album coming out online this summer - Imaginary Radio Program vol. 1
Imaginary Radio is performing at Just the Tonic at The Mash House at 17:00 on 3rd – 27th (not 9th, 14th, 21st). For tickets and more information visit the Ed Fringe website.