Interview with musical comedian Eddie Mackenzie

Semi-finalist of the BBC New Comedy Awards 2021 and finalist of the Musical Comedy Awards 2023 Eddie Mackenzie talks about his Brighton Fringe show

Interview with musical comedian Eddie Mackenzie

Could you please introduce yourself to the reader?

I am Eddie Mackenzie, a Glasgow-based musical comedian who plays funny wee songs in a bombastic style!

Could you please tell us about your show? What should an audience expect?

Songs about dinosaurs, holidays, MD 2020, and, of course, harrowing existentialism! Lots of high-energy nonsense and a real groovy vibe. 

Why did you decide to submit a show to Brighton Fringe? Were there any considerations you had to make?

I heard from fellow comedians that it was a really great festival to perform at, and I have family down on the South coast so I thought it would be a chance to gig somewhere they could get to for once! Obviously, there are the issues of travel and accommodations with these things, but another Glasgow comic and I are driving down together and staying with two other comedy pals, so it’s all coming together!

How did you know your show was ‘Fringe-ready’?

I didn’t think the show was “fringe-ready” so much as “I booked the festival and will figure out the show by the performance dates!”

What advice would you give to a young person who is also interested in taking a show to Fringe? 

If you can, split the costs of travel and accommodation with fellow performers. Not only will you save money but you’ll also get to spend time with people like you and hopefully not go quite so mad by the end of it all!

What has been your career path to this point? Have you also worked outside the arts?

Do the people you talk to normally not have jobs outside the arts? I have been a semi-professional performer since 2014 but have nearly always had to work on and off part-time jobs during this time alongside doing paid acting and comedy work.

What’s great about your job? 

Getting to perform the songs I write in front of all sorts of audiences, travel the country to see new places, and make new friends in the arts!

What are the bits you don’t like or find challenging?

Travel costs and travel times are definitely the worst parts of the job!

What are the highlights of your career to date?

Getting to the semi-finals of the BBC New Comedy Awards 2021 and reaching the final in the Musical Comedy Awards 2023 have to be my highlights so far!

Who do you look for inspiration? 

There are so many performers I love! Jack Black, and by extension Tenacious D. Bo Burnham, Mitch Benn, Tim Minchin, Flight of the Conchords, Bill Bailey…I could go on but I shan’t…

When is your show performing and where can people find out more?

I will be in Presuming Ed’s at 4:15 pm on the 22nd, 23rd and 24th of May.

Tickets and more information is available on the Brighton Fringe website.

Where can people find you online?

Find me on social media for all the other juicy businesses.

I am eddymackenzie everywhere online, apart from Twitter where I am eddymackenzie_  because a lovely dog had my username already. 

Header Image Credit: Provided


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Voice Magazine

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