Voicebox: Local Reviewers

Voice is going local! We're working with young reviewers to cover arts events and cultural happenings on their patch. Read fresh opinions from young people exploring the local arts scene across the country. And we're always looking for new partners Find out more
10 June 2019
Vamps concert at the O2 apollo
A review of a popular band at an intimate venue.
5 June 2019
'Rent' at Buxton Opera House: Review
C’est la vie… la vie bohème.
That's life... the bohemian life.
This is our life... a life to make the most out of everyday.
3 June 2019
Brassed Off; Review
My thoughts on the New Vic's latest production; Brassed Off...
31 May 2019
Rocketman; review
An extraordinary movie that follows the story of Elton John's breakthrough years…
Here are my thoughts on Rocketman...
28 May 2019
Is theatre a dying art?
In the future, our generation will have the responsibility to keep theatre alive, but how can we possibly be expected to do so when, so many of us have never even been to see a play?...
25 May 2019
An iconic visit to Ikon
My visit to the Ikon gallery, located in Birmingham. A showcase of contemporary art created to encourage members of the community to engage in all forms of media, that is both accessible and inspiring.
25 May 2019
The Birmingham Royal Ballet
Before a week ago I had never had the pleasure of seeing ballet live, So what did I think of it? I thought that it was beyond incredible. And here’s why…
20 May 2019
Get Out; Review
My thoughts on the 2018, Oscar nominated thriller, Get Out....
20 May 2019
Much Ado About Nothing; Reveiw
Here are my thoughts on the New Vic Theatre's take on the famous play, Much Ado About Nothing...
19 May 2019
Peter & the Wolf: Watching ballet for the first time
I watched a professional ballet for the first time ever!
17 May 2019
All My Sons - the fallible American Dream
“There are certain men in the world who rather see everybody hung before they'll take blame.”
15 May 2019
Review of Les Misérables at the Birmingham Hippodrome
My thoughts on the popular production Les Misérables. . .
1 May 2019
Jess Robinson's No Filter show.
Jess Robinson was an obviously well trained singer. It still managed to be dire.
29 April 2019
Jess Robinson: No Filter
The English comedy actress, singer and impressionist brought her friendly, upbeat personality on tour to Theatre Severn this month. Her show consisted of witty original songs, familiar impressions and side-splitting comedy. A fabulously fun evening, packed with surprises and excitement!
17 April 2019
Les Misérables; Review
Recently, I got the chance to see Les Misérables, here are my thoughts on the spectacular performance...
16 April 2019
Bear's Den review: my new folk-rock obsession
Bear's Den stunning performance has got me hooked to a new genre of music
15 April 2019
'Intemperance' at The New Vic Theatre: Review
Intemperance [in-tem-per-uh ns, -pruh ns]
1. Excessive or immoderate indulgence in alcoholic beverages
2. Lack of moderation or due restraint, as in action or speech.