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1 April 2020
Isolation Art- "Man Alive!" by King Krule
Seeing as we all currently have plenty of free time I've decided to create a series of short reviews of art forms that I love and that have comforted me in these times of isolation. Give them a listen/watch/read if you've got some time to kill.
7 December 2019
Pantomime Review: Aladdin
Shrewsbury's 11th annual Pantomime of Aladdin doesn't fail to disappoint it's multi-generational audience with simple yet effective cheesy gags and traditional slapstick humour- with some new and exciting twists.
Comment posted on 10 May 2020
I've been playing through this game recently and I have really felt a sense of unity throughout the world. I think put this message across very well and I can see why many aren't interested by this game but I've been transported by the visuals and sound design alone. :)