Ziggy Alberts preaches mindfulness with 'letting go'

The Australian grassroots folk star prepares for the release of his album 'searching for freedom' with his latest single 'letting go'.

Ziggy Alberts preaches mindfulness with 'letting go'

Ziggy Alberts, Australian grassroots folk star, is preparing for the release of his album 'searching for freedom' with his latest single 'letting go'. 

A sweeping acoustic number, the song tackles the themes of letting go of what does not serve you, embracing the fear and doing it anyway and going with the flow of life. Unpredictability, inconveniences and troubles may fall in your path, but Ziggy is here to remind us all that life will be worth it in the end.

This track is about “letting go of fear and the notion of having to heal everything alone” says Ziggy. “We find strength and joy in companionship on life’s adventures, lifting each other up along the way.”

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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