Wandavision Whirl Wind

Wandavison puzzles my brain when I watch it, I've got a pretty good theory of whats happening and why you should watch it (or wait until its all released on Disney+ to avoid headaches!) I HAVEN'T INCLUDED CLEAR SPOILERS BUT WATCH IT FIRST! 

Wandavision Whirl Wind

The six episode series was highly anticipated by Marvel fans. Set after Vision's death in Endgame (no I'm not putting a spoiler alert, if you haven't watched it by now you're living under a rock- and we're in lockdown, what else have you got to do with your time apart from watch a three hour long film!) Wanda first seems to be living in the 50's, with a twist at the end of the episode which leaves the viewer baffled. Skip a few episodes and little things start changing, going from black and white to colour was one of the main indications that it wasn't a normal time zone world... what else would you expect from Marvel. 

I first asked myself this, how is Vision alive if its set after Endgame and how come everyone is acting kooky apart from Wanda and Vis? Also I know Wanda is an amazing, female-empowering superhero, but how come she has much more power and control over this strange land?  

But I have a theory which makes sense, until the next episode is released and I'm completely lost again. it seems like Wanda has created some type of mental place for her to live or abducted land to create an alternative universe on earth (as far as we know she's still on earth) to help her try and cope after losing her love Vision. Because unlike Vision, Wanda has emotions and losing her soulmate can be devastating, and dangerous with the amount of power she has. 

It would make sense that SWORD (space version of shield) are trying to contact her since she's a bit crazy. Maybe if they can't they'll have a special guest as Marvel love their cameos, like their official twitter page announced it's Darcy from the Thor movies.  

I would definitely recommend the show to Marvel fans and people who haven't watched Marvel before could watch it, they might just be more confused than the Marvel fans as they wouldn't know the background knowledge, like Visions death, SWORD or appreciate the amazing character crossovers.  But if you just want to watch for light entertainment and not hurt your brain, maybe wait until it's all available to binge. 

Header Image Credit: Marvel

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Sarah Harrison

Sarah Harrison

Completing her education in Media Studies and English Language, Sarah builds upon her skill set at any given opportunity. From creating promotional videos and advertising campaigns for charities, to music videos, Sarah Harrison has always had a creative flare. Voicing her opinion on anything she feels passionate about.

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