Rachael Sage shows honesty and intimacy in music video for 'Cave'

The latest release from independent singer-songwriter Rachael Sage is a beautifully-crafted video which sees Rachael live in the studio performing her new song ‘Cave’.

Rachael Sage shows honesty and intimacy in music video for 'Cave'

The latest release from independent singer-songwriter Rachael Sage is a beautifully-crafted video which sees Rachael live in the studio performing her new song ‘Cave’.

Written by Sage many years ago in the wake of a bad breakup, ‘Cave’ tackles the theme of personal integrity and honesty, with Sage herself saying that “the song reminds me to revere authenticity and honesty in all my relationships – and to fully embrace unconditional love.”

These themes are reflected in the nature of the video. It’s intimacy, the rawness of the live recording, and the inclusion of lyrics written in Rachael’s handwriting all serve to present this same acceptance of unconditional self love which can be found in the song itself.

Taken from Character, possibly Sage’s most personal album to date, this song shows another side to Sage’s creativity, with the artwork and music video perfectly encapsulating the feel of the song.

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Poppy Laine

Poppy Laine

Music and lifestyle writer focusing on the up-and-coming music scene and life reviews. Get in touch with me at if you have something that you think I might like!

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