Luna cinema review

This is my Luna cinema review! Hope you all like it!😁✨

Luna cinema review

Harry potter and the chamber of secrets                   At the Luna cinema!

What did you think of the Luna cinema?

I thigh the atmosphere of the event was amazing, because it was so calming as we were under the starts and the full moon,it was just so picturesque. Although it was freezing cold and the food was so expensive the film  distracted me in a way, as there was so much going on with all the plot twists and magical scenes. but it was such a different experience for me since you normally don’t get a cinema outside and that’s why I loved it.

Would you recommend the Luna cinema to anyone and why? 

I would recommend the Luna cinema to everyone as long as you wrap up warm and put lots of layers on, because you will freeze especially at night haha! I would recommend Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets at the Luna cinema since it’s something new that many people probably haven’t done yet

What would you rate the Luna cinema out of five stars and why? 

I rate four and a half out of five stars for the reason that the night was so fascinating including the film and the atmosphere of the Luna cinema, but the only thing I didn’t like was that it was so cold and my toes went numb! Overall the whole experience was awesome and I would definitely do it again. 

Header Image Credit: Luna cinema review✨


Tallie Hardy

Tallie Hardy


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  • Joshua Gould

    On 19 October 2018, 14:46 Joshua Gould Contributor commented:

    Hi Tallie, I't really difficult to read your review in the pictures! Any chance you could type it up so we can all enjoy it?

  • Tallie Hardy

    On 19 October 2018, 18:31 Tallie Hardy commented:

    Hi Joshua I’ll just type it up now!

  • Charlotte Ralph

    On 22 October 2018, 10:29 Charlotte Ralph commented:

    Thanks for sharing your thoughts on our arts experience to the Luna Cinema!

    As your Arts Award Advisor, I know we discussed your thoughts on this already but I love the way you have presented this, with your 'aged' review, in true Harry Potter style! It truly was a cold night, but it seemed you enjoyed the film so much with the plot twists and experiencing it outside under the stars, made it a magical experience for you!

  • Amelia Tindall

    On 22 October 2018, 19:13 Amelia Tindall commented:

    Hi tallie! I thought that this review was really good and I loved your use of the word picturesque!

  • Mia Gold

    On 23 October 2018, 13:40 Mia Gold commented:

    What an amazing experience! You’ve really worked hard throughout our whole arts award! Thank you for sharing your thoughts! 💘

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