Aaron Calvert: Declassified

Mesmerising, thrilling, and mildly disturbing - in the best possible way

Aaron Calvert: Declassified

There's something quite creepy about watching someone get hypnotised. You wonder if they’re faking it, because no one can really be controlled that easily, can they? But when multiple members of the audience simultaneously fall asleep standing up, you realise they can, and they are, and you get to watch!

Aaron Calvert is a master hypnotist, and never once falters as he makes audience members forget how to read, communicate telepathically and learn how to read minds. It’s completely bizarre to see a person genuinely struggle - and fail - to read a simple word, then gain that ability back in a second at the snap of Calvert’s fingers.

He manipulates fear, jealousy and hatred to build huge amounts of adrenaline strong enough to create impossible strength, and performs feat after feat of shocking, sensational psychic power. There is suspense, humour, plenty of dramatic music and lighting, and that touch of flair needed to elevate the feats themselves into a great show.

If I’m completely honest, I was quite jealous that the hypnotism didn’t work on me! I am insanely curious to know how it feels. Perhaps I’ll just have to go again…

Maybe you’re shaking your head reading this - it’s all a farce, you don’t believe in this nonsense - but trust me, it’s all real, and it happens in this show. There is no other explanation for the phenomena that occur on Calvert’s command.

Or maybe there is, but it’s a hell of a lot of fun to watch anyway.

Aaron Calvert: Declassified is on at 18:00 at Gilded Balloon at the Museum until August 26th. For more information and to purchase tickets, visit the EdFringe website


Sam Nead

Sam Nead Contributor

I am a Liberal Arts and Sciences graduate preparing to go and see what the world has in store! I love reading, writing and all things theatre-related, and I'm a wannabe author who has never actually finished writing a novel...yet!

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