Everyday Choreography by Caldonia Walton | FIRST ACTS

From Random Acts Midlands, dancer-choreographer, Caldonia Walton gives us a poetic, jolly, expressive demonstration of what music makes us feel

Everyday Choreography by Caldonia Walton | FIRST ACTS

There's an association with moody, introverted teenagers for going around with earphones in. Everyday Choreography gives us the zen that comes with fully immersing yourself and only yourself in the feelings that music evokes in you. The action takes us through the fact that, even when things around you aren't going your way, like they aren't for our average Joe protagonist, Gerrard, you can stick in your in-ears and be away with your thoughts – pretend you're actually dancing to or singing or playing the song.

The music that our characters dance to is perfect. The diegetic sound is perfectly recorded and the choreography is a precise expression of the kind of thing we think we do when we listen to music. The fact they dance in public makes it all the more audacious and therefore all the more realistic.

It is refreshingly well shot – high image quality, highly dynamic and mobile but stable and keeps the action well central. However the slight mistakes happen just frequently enough to take you out of the experience. Natural lighting inconsistencies and minuscule issues with the choreography could have been avoided with patience and editing. That said, the editing does a lot of the work in making the experience of watching this short film an exciting one: the cutting gets quicker and quicker but not at the expense of the pacing.

In the way the sound effectively portrays the escape that music offers us, the visuals could have been bumped up to have the same effect. Fun visual effects and playing with colour could have given the corresponding exaggerated excitement of getting lost in our own music that we actually feel.

This is the way I'd expect headphones and earphones to be advertised on television – conscientiously and in a way that focuses more on the listening experience rather than how loud and bassy they are or the fact they're Bose or Beats. What we get here is a common look at what music does to us – the escapism and the emotion and the way in which music makes it all feel better.


Bhavesh Jadva

Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team

Former Media Editor on Voice and former Arts Award Editor on AAoV covering film, TV, music and comedy.

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  • Emrys Green

    On 24 December 2016, 14:39 Emrys Green Voice Team commented:

    What a great piece! Big thanks Caldy :)

  • Bhavesh Jadva

    On 24 December 2016, 14:40 Bhavesh Jadva Voice Team commented:

    A really uplifting watch!

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