My trip to see Starlight Express by Rowan

My review of Starlight Express for part of my Bronze Art Award

I went to see Starlight Express on 3rd October at the Wembley Troubadour Theatre. I really liked how the costumes were made to look like trains with the steam coming from the steam trains and the inflatable lightning bolts on the electric trains. I liked the tracks going through the audience and how the lighting moved with the actors. I loved how there was always so much to see like in the race scenes - there was the trains racing, the scores, control, and the skate marshals. I liked how the ramp at the back could open into a passageway and how the inner circle of the stage can rise up and the outer circle can spin round. I liked how all the different types of trains had different personalities - like the freight trains were quite feisty and the coaches were calmer. I like how the freight trains had barrels that they push around at the start but then they don’t have them at the end for the race scenes. I think the storyline involving Pearl could have been better because it was Hydra who helped Rusty, and all Pearl did was betray him earlier in the story. Overall, I loved the show – so much that I already have plans to go again!

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Jo Sullivan

Jo Sullivan

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