GMBB Exhibitions April 2024 - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

GMBB is in Bukit Bintang Kuala Lumpur and its set up to let artists to have  place to sell their work and do workshops and they have lots of small exhibitions.

We stayed for a month in Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia and near us was a buliding called the GMBB. We went inside to have a look around and we were  surprised to find lots of art exhibits, artists working and doing workshops and shops with really cool things for sale.

We spent a lot of time in GMBB during our trip, it was nice and air-conditioned and they changed the exhibitions quite often

Every time we went we found something new!

I loved looking around and finding new art AND I liked taking part in workshops.

The best thing I made in GMBB was probably the tote bag I decorated with the name of my favourite KPOP group called Ive on it.

My favourite 'stall' was the cat charity stall where you could sit and draw cats and add them to the gallery for free and you could buy things and donate to a cat shelter. 

A lot of the stalls had no people monitoring them and they had a 'trust' system in place so you could buy the things you wanted and either leave cash or transfer the money. I thought that this was  nice and  wish other places in the world could be like that 

One time we visited there was a little girl who was about 5 years old setting up a gallery of her own and her family were there celebrating her gallery opening with her. They were all eating cake and she was just sitting painting and living her best life and my mam and dad said that we could maybe hire a space and maybe I could have my own gallery!

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