Science in Colors - Book Review

Book review of 2023 Coloring book: Science in Colour by Koley 

This is the perfect book for any rainy days. A colouring book with science drawings, Science in colours is part of a series of many others including The sound of colour, with drawings about music. If you have other interests the series has it all covered, you will find illustrations of animals, plants , landscapes, and fictional characters in these other colouring books. I personally got Science in colour and The Sound of colour. 

Colouring is known to help with anxiety, stress and even depression and that’s actually the purpose of these books.  It’s also a good way to increase someone’s interest in painting. So this book can potentially boost someone’s drawing, painting and sketching skills. Additionally, it’s a great way to developed further someone’s fine motoring skills andconcentration skills.

The book has a mixture of easy and more complicated drawings to colours, that makes it ideal for something quick to colour or something more complicated and longer to do. 

What makes this book and the others in the series very special is that purchasing them will help low-income children in the Ecuadorian Amazon. Koley is a non-profit foundation with a social aim so that makes these books even more interesting. I really love this story behind the books and when I use them it does makes me feel even better than some other children can also benefit from it.

So far I have tried a couple of easy colouring pages in Science in Colours and can see how children can do some of the pages. However other pages have more detailed drawings and would require longer time to complete. I really love the combination of colouring and music in The Sound of Colour, combining two art forms, however most pages have instruments and people that are detailed and requires lot of colouring time. I have recently learnt a bit more about warm and cold colours at an Art Club and shall definitely have more practice using these books.

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Dalila Letaief

Dalila Letaief

I love arts and drama, and am currently learning to play piano. I am also part of two clubs a performing art club and a visual art club.

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