Marvin's Binoculars

A review of an online production


One of the recent theatre productions I watched was “Marvin’s Binoculars” created and directed by Justin Audibert for the Unicorn Theatre. This is aimed for young children teaching them some easy messages about life. I watched this online on July the 29th 2021 when it was streaming.

The set for this play is quite simple, there is some colour blocks which is used as hills in the production. There is also some furnitures like tables and chairs which the actors use in many scenes. The backdrop also varies in the scenes to conveys the different places.

The costume for this is also very simple, it is the every day outfits that the actors wore. The colours are all bright and eyecatching so it was more entertaining for the children. The actors also wore cloth that matches with their personality, for example, Marvin worse t-shirts and coats that are related to nature and perhaps have bird prints on them.

There is also sound effects used throughout this play. There is back ground music playing throughout the play and the music used is related to the mood of that scene. Moreover, there is also sound effect used in the marsh scene when the character steps onto the ground there was a squeaky noise as if there were wet mud on the floor.

The lighting in this is also quite simple, the stage is made dark but there is some stage lights shined on the actors’s face. The brightness also varies is the scenes in the inside scenes the lighting is brighter while in outside scenes the lighting is darker.

There are a few main characters in this play, Marvin, Cyta and the Warden. Marvin is the main character, he is a young boy interested in observing birds and being in the nature. He just lost his Granny who he loves greatly. For his birthday, he received a binoculars for his birthday from his parents and his granny. He loves his binoculars and through out the play he put these in to good use.

Cyta is another character, she was a new students in a school. She is loud and loves answer questions. Her hobby is karate, she loves it and feel at peace when she do karate. She also became friend with Marvin.

The warden is also another important character, her character is gloomy and evil. She found Marvin’s binolulars and wanted to keep them to herself. In the end she gave it back because Cyta found her and made her give it to Marvin. However, at the end of the play after Marvin gave a bird drawing to her, she appeared to be happy for the first time.

I definitely recommend this play to young children to watch as it tells you about follow your dreams, how to deal with loss and how to build friendships.

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Linger Lang

Linger Lang

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